MHTCET 2021 PAPER ANYALSIS 20 September.(Shift 01 & 02)
MHTCET 20 sept Exam was conducted in Two shifts first shift was scheduled from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Whereas second shift was conducted From 2:30 PM To 5:30 PM
Below you will get the memory based questions , difficulty level , solution below.
This exam will be conducted till 30 September with daily two shifts .
Student will be able to download the memory based questions soon after the test has been conducted.
MHTCET 2021: September 20 SHIFT -2 EXAM ANYALSIS.
Yes as expected 19+ questions were from PYQ For shift 01 Paper
Maths most of the Questions were similar to mock test around 27+ Questions from our mock test .
Analysis For shift 02 will be available soon here.
Memory Based Questions For MHTCET EXAM 2020 SHIFT 01:)
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20 shift 2 chemistry
1) which polymer is used in Cinema film ?
2) arrhenius theory
3) trisaccharide raffinose
4) solid state density
5) monster of nylon 6
6) ostwald dilution law
7) position nd optical nd functional isomers
8) 2 questions on lanthanoides
9) H= U + nRt
10) rxn with PCl5
11) rxn with Na dry ether
12) alkylation of amine
13) heat of formation
14) cryoscopic const
15) molar conductivity
16) rate of rxn
17) decay follows which order of rxn
18) first order rxn
19) carbinol nomenclature
20) reduction of aldehyde
21) use of So2
22) Bond angle of SO2
23) bond enthalpy
24) 1 mol Bcc contains how many voids
25) how Faraday required for Ca ion to form 10g Ca
26) how many bravis lattice r there in 7 crystal system
30) device used to observe structures of crystal
31) neutral coordination complex
32) hybridization of [COF6]3‐
33) what is boiling point
34) order of bp of alkanes
35) nomenclature of alcohol